Foxlish World III

1. There was no time to lose, so he decided on the...
a. spot. b. dot.
c. blip. d. instant.
2. She stood by the edge of the road, as the taxi...
a. walked up. b. slowed up.
c. drew up. d. stopped up.
3. The spare wheel and the food hamper are in the...
a. cap. b. jumper.
c. hat. d. boot.
4. The dog wouldn't stop howling, so he told it to...
a. belt up. b. get up.
c. drink up. d. blow up.
5. Because she has so much money, she is very...
a. sticky. b. put up.
c. stuck up. d. beat up.
6. We're having a party, we hope it...
a. blows up good. b. goes off well.
c. hits it off. d. makes it up
7. To hide her black eye she uses...
a. make out. b. made by.
c. make over. d. make up.
8. We have lost forty minutes in the traffic jam, there is no way we can...
a. take it back. b. even it out.
c. get it again. d. make it up.
9. Can I try it out ? - Sure, by all...
a. ways. b. means.
c. nuts. d. odds.
10. The lion will eat you, unless you are very...
a. odd. b. nutty.
c. still. d. beat.

11. Foxlish is English for...
a. nuts. b. foxes.
c. the grammatically impaired. d. people sly as a fox.