Expressions II

1. A bird in the hand is worth...
a. three in the bush. b.
c. d.
2. He talked and talked until he was...
a. b.
c. blue in the face. d.
3. She was so pleased she was...
a. b. tickled pink.
c. d.
4. I'm so surprised you could knock me over with...
a. b. a feather.
c. d.
5. Your dog is so energetic he must be...
a. b.
c. full of beans. d.
6. She was not pleased because they had...
a. b.
c. d. rubbed her the wrong way.
7. I don't believe you, pull the other one...
a. it's got bells on. b.
c. d.
8. My bedroom is too small...
a. b.
c. to swing a cat. d.
9. There is more than one way...
a. b. to skin a cat.
c. d.
10. He's really not very intelligent but...
a. as thick as two planks. b.
c. d.
11. She never makes much noise but is...
a. b.
c. as quiet as a mouse. d.
12. This jumper fits you like...
a. b. a glove.
c. d.