Expressions I

1. When you are in a hurry, you have to...
a. shake a leg. b.
c. d.
2. He can't keep a secret, he always...
a. b.
c. lets the cat out of the bag. d.
3. He's so crazy, he must be a...
a. b.
c. d. basket case.
4. She's so mad, she must have lost...
a. b.
c. her marbles. d.
5. She wants to ignore him, so she gives him...
a. b. the cold shoulder.
c. d.
6. He got so angry he...
a. b. went up the wall.
c. d.
7. He felt like celebrating, so he painted...
a. the town red. b. 
c. d.
8. She hadn't eaten for three days, now she was so hungry she could...
a. b.
c. d. eat a horse.
9. To resolve a difficult problem he had to...
a. b.
c. use his knob. d.
10. You are telling me there is a pink flying elephant dancing in my back garden. I think you are...
a. b. pulling my leg.
c. d.
11. She always talks so much, I can never...
a. b.
c. get a word in edgeways. d.
12. She was so happy, she was...
a. b.
c. on cloud nine. d.